MedDRA Alt website Medical Dictionary for
Regulatory Activities

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MedDRA Latest Versions and Support Documentation

The main website is not available at the moment.

MedDRA release files can be obtained by logging into the download section of this website.
The latest MedDRA support documentation is available below.

Best Practice
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / Finnish / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Condensed Data Retrieval and Presentation Points to Consider Document
Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Condensed Term Selection Points to Consider Document
Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish
MedDRA Points to Consider (Updated once a year with the March release of MedDRA. Starting in 2021, the Release Numbers of the documents reflect the year of publication, i.e., 4.21 and 3.21.)

Additional MedDRA Guides

Introductory Guide MedDRA Version 27.1
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Introductory Guide for Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs) for Version 27.1
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

What’s New MedDRA Version 27.1
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

MedDRA Distribution File Format Document Version 27.1
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Record Counts
Croatian / Estonian / Finnish / Greek / Latvian / Lithuanian / Polish / Swedish

COVID-19 Related Terms MedDRA 27.1 Spreadsheet
COVID-19 Related Terms MedDRA 23.0 - 27.1 Spreadsheet
MedDRA Points to Consider (Updated once a year with the March release of MedDRA. Starting in 2021, the Release Numbers of the documents reflect the year of publication, i.e., 4.21 and 3.21.)

MedDRA Term Selection: Points to Consider Release 4.24 Based on MedDRA Version 27.0
Chinese pdf / word
English pdf / word / web
Japanese pdf / word / web
Korean pdf / word
Russian pdf / word
Spanish pdf / word

Redline of Changes to MedDRA Term Selection: Points to Consider Release 4.24 Based on MedDRA Version 27.0
Chinese word
English word
Japanese word / pdf
Korean word
Russian word
Spanish word

MedDRA Data Retrieval and Presentation: Points to Consider Release 3.24 Based on MedDRA Version 27.0
Chinese pdf / word
English pdf / word / web
Japanese pdf / word / web
Korean pdf / word
Russian pdf / word
Spanish pdf / word

Redline of Changes to MedDRA Data Retrieval and Presentation: Point to Consider Release 3.24 Based on MedDRA Version 27.0
Chinese word
English word
Japanese word / pdf

Korean word
Russian word
Spanish word

Additional MedDRA Guides

Introductory Guide MedDRA Version 27.0
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Introductory Guide for Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs) for Version 27.0
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

What’s New MedDRA Version 27.0
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

MedDRA Distribution File Format Document Version 27.0
English / Arabic / Chinese / Czech / Dutch / French / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Portuguese - Brazilian / Russian / Spanish

Record Counts
Croatian / Estonian / Finnish / Greek / Latvian / Lithuanian / Polish / Swedish

COVID-19 Related Terms MedDRA 27.0 Spreadsheet
COVID-19 Related Terms MedDRA 23.0 - 27.0 Spreadsheet





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